You can get a full refund from Scaffold Tower Hire if the order is cancelled before the dispatch time. You can also get a refund for orders that are to be collected from the store if the cancellation is made before the agreed collection/pick-up time.

If the hired scaffolding materials have already been dispatched, you will be required to cater for the transportation costs. However, you will still get a refund for your order. Partial refunds might be applicable to some of the items as deemed fit by the senior management.
Returns are allowed for wrongly described goods, but they should be in the condition they were in while being delivered. Broken items will not be accepted. Scaffold Hire Tower withholds the right to refuse any returns if the equipment is damaged or in poor condition. You can always contact us if you want the item to be changed for something different depending on your reason for the return. ( )
When returning equipment, feel free to contact us to arrange how the item will be delivered to our store. Depending on the circumstances, you might be required to cover the transportation costs.
Once you have already started using the hired equipment, no refunds are allowed. When looking to return items, you must provide details on the product and reason for the return or cancellation of order.
Contact any of our team members for guidance should you wish to get a refund or to return any equipment.